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Friday, July 14, 2006 

Resisting Change

As it happens to me everyday for the past few days.The celsius scale has shed down in chennai and it's a new cozy thing to survive.I walk to shower and stand near the periphery of its influence.I gently open it and don't go the whole hog into it.I first let the tip of my fingers interve the shower and tame it with the temperature tutorial.I keep it going for around three minutes and get myself aliced in meanderland.Suddenly, i realise the water wastage guilt and put me vertical under the nozzle.I do it very conscioulsy everyday and still don't overcome it.A case where i had consciously conceded to resistance to change.

I think Newton some how deduced my need long before to explain my actions (Yahooooo, fortunate that I am part of the nature and the system which he observed).Newton's first law to rescue me this time

"Every object persists in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless it is compelled to change that state by forces impressed on it"

I resist the immediate change in the morning because i have not mentally(neither my body) prepared myself for the temperature differential, that's why my fingers peep in before the water droplets hijack me.

This does not happen in the hot summer or when i am deprived of time.I have kinda of mentally overcomed my fear/anxiety of the chillness then.It is of the reason that the change is not phenomenal or my mind dwelled itself in something else .The external force has already gained momentum and the process of change is not as conscious as it used to be.

Change is imminent and nothing is constant in this world.We need to endlessly cope up with relative changes in space, time and people.It is true that we need to accept that, let's know how to change !!

To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly
-Henri Bergson

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