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Saturday, July 08, 2006 

Artificial Intelligence for Dummies

Artificial Intelligence did help me to get a new facelift, it aided me to create a great myth about my interests, to walk through many interviews and presentations without queries. I have used this jargon for ageons now; "fuzzy logic”,”neural network”,”genetic algorithmn","cellular automata" and "simulated annealing”. I know, i have already perplexed the reader.Prima facie, its eludes like a "high funda" thing, the inevitable truth is that it has been inspired from nature and humans, like all great inventions.

All we try is to mimic nature in its bare simple form. Isaac Asimov one of the finest science fiction futurist must have had all the guts to foresee a "Robot" at his time. A slave(soon the master) who could do what we wanted to do, as we would have done it with our six senses. A thought was seeded then, we see it germinate now. Let me walk you through a couple of instances to illustrate some AI tools that are being mimicked.

All of us must have walked our way to transfer ourselves from one co-ordinate to another. We don't walk at the same pace all the time. We have certain criteria to determine the speed at which we peddle: the purpose, time left, and ambience.

Suppose I am enjoying my twilight walk with my dream companion talking about our yester years in a swirly road adorned by scenic flora and fauna with no other work for the day, I’ll pace myself like an astronaut studded in the moon, defying all the gravitated time.

Suppose I find myself in the scorching sun to attend a high profile meeting (to make it worse you are talking first!!), with a companion who talks about a drowsy character in a novel which he read 10 years back, in a congested road blemished with smoke and noise, won't we be nearly outpacing Maurice Green. We may even look out for the shortest route in the sideline roads, get an auto and swear to start at least an hour earlier next time.

Fuzzy Logic(FL) is the imitation of the rule-based system based on different states of the variables (Purpose – high importance, low importance: Time left- enormous time, little time: Ambience – Highly soothing, severe torture). Now we have rule base, If Purpose is High and Time is Enormous and Ambience is Soothing Then Walk Slowly. All we need to do is form an exhaustive rule base and teach this to an Robot and let it decide.

Now , what if we come across a new situation which is not in the exhaustive rule base. That’s where the human brain is great; it can give new solutions by its past learning, thats grossly Neural Network(NN) .NN is a neuron network inteconnected to each other which discern the underlying pattern .If we train it with some circumstances and when we present with a new circumstance, it provides a solutionJust like the way you would walk rapidly if there is a heavy downpour or seek shelter.

Everything AI tool comes up with an answer and now Darwin comes to our aid, surival of the fittest (which is the optimal solution).Instead of taking an auto all through a long route, we can walk through sidelline route,go to the main road and catch an auto in the main road.Thats Genetic Algorithmn(GA).Genes continously adapt, mutant and cross over to give fitter genes.

Artificial Intelligence can give scientific solutions.Can it inculcate emotions, love and behaviorial science.Only time would answer!!!

hi machi,
didnt know that u post this regularly in ur blog.all ur posta r quiet interesting..esp. the one on AI ..very simple and easy to understand..
keep going


Hi da,
ippo puriyuthaa nangha ellam KPOla enn seiyuroomnu.Bloggin is a good pass machi, we can write about wotever crap we want to without any moderation.Anyhow i am enjoying it!!!

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