India - Hip, Hop and We'll Rock
Now i sit in a porche Barista Expresso bar with my friends in a cozy corner tuning ourselves with the jazzy music and flashy videos plugged into the tv screen and order ourself a Caffe Mocha with whipped cream.I think it was around 60 bucks and gone are the days when i care about the bills which popped before me.I atleast possess triple credit cards with comfortable credit limits.I belong to the brand new genre of youth employed in the new economy sectors.The disparities between the old economy and the post-90 sectors are converging, for the lack of quality supply in them as well after most of us herded towards software and services.
You must be hailing our Manmohan Singh for liberating us to this levels of income levels by opening of our economy, his work is commendable, i am not here to deny it, he was a master when it came to removing the systemic problems in the economy, which were really stoppin our growth.Should i reveal the real hero for all this, of course you and me, who were breeded out this country for the past 25 years.Did you know that about 60-65% of our population is young (>25 & <40)>
You must have heard this teasor term called "BRIC report" by Golman Sachs for aeons now, they are predicting as to how the league of emerging countries Brasil, Russia, India and China would change the economic lanscape of the world in another 40 years.This is basically attributed to the population or to be precise the demographics, which is nothing but the Population or consumer statistics regarding socioeconomic factors such as age, income, sex, occupation, education, family size, and the like.
The UN predicts that By 2050, world population is projected to reach nine billion, a 38% jump from today's 6.5 billion, and more than five times the 1.6 billion people believed to have existed in 1900. The Demographers foresee declining, aged populations in many industrialized nations, and growing, younger populations in the developing world. If projections hold true, future global population growth will be heavily concentrated in Latin America, Africa and South Asia. There is no natural growth in Europe and the U.S.
Now,how is this going to help us grow?.Who contributes to the spending in an economy, its Sara's like me till we reach 45's.I earn and spend.Now imagine 500 million sara's spending and churning the economy, its a better vicious cycle for once, We'll grow and the gross income levels increase, we invest the excess money out of our savings.Oops!!, thanks to our Great Grandmaaa's and Grandpaa who could procreate 10-15 offsprings in their journey of life!!
Onething for sure, the new economy jobs are here to stay, the outsourcing is not going to stop as long as there is wage and population differential, there are'nt much people to do the jobs.The babyboomers of the U.S ( US is almost 25% of world economy) have already crossed their 45's and that means they are more of a liabilty in terms of the economy, they spend more than what they earn.It's the same story in all the developed countries
Leave alone the dependence on the world, if we can develop a economy to meet the needs of the 1 billion people, we can develop a robust economy.I have given enough of a rosy picture and convinced you that we are going to be happy.Nope,We can't sustain the growth untill we find enough resources in terms of energy, basic materials and technology.We need to bridge the gap between the have and have'nots, are we going to be enjoying everything at the expense of the lower strata.I am sure we can't live happily in the future without giving a socio-economic security to all of them, else we would find rebels sprouting out of the economic oppression.
Let the Youth Hip, Hop and Rock !!!.