Women: the better gene ??
There were occasions in life when we boys ("then")used to discuss how girls are not as intellectual as men.Everytime we get to scrutinise the results of IIT-JEE, IIM admissions or the entrance examinations which need a little intellectual stimuli, the male faction seem to perform better.If we could look out at the top CEO's in the corporate sector they are mostly men and women are catching up with atmost aggression.The Noble laureates are predominatly men and i can go another para..
May be that was how the society was moulded, it was mostly a patriarchal society where the men did the earning stuff for the family and women would take care of the family.Even If we are willing to go a strata below, to understand the basic chemistry of both the sexes, we can observe that men are in dire need of appreciation, admiration, trust, acceptance, approval and encouragement whereas women need caring, understanding, respect, devotion, validation and reassurance.
That explains why men are task or goal oriented and women believe in the process!!.Men tend to be logical whereas women are more of the intuitive sect.Women know how to handle stress throughout their life and Men are only know how to blurt out!!!. Men are more of the thinking part and Women are the feeling part.
Aren't both sexes a perfect oxymoron ?.One does not posses what the other have in excess.That's why people fall in love or get marrried to each other!!.What does a Man expect from a Women apart from sex?. He needs trust and admiration .What does a Women want ?,she needs enduring care and understanding.
Women used to seek a sense of security from men because they were managing the family part and they needed a sense of financial/resource stabilty from the male partner.They tended to be physically weak and needed a support from the male partner to protect them.Women are now equally financially stable and have pistols & martial arts to guard them.
Now the real important question "Do women really need Men?".I am excited about this question because men can no more dominate women in the name of money women.women will stick to a man only if he is really a worthwhile partner and the vice-versa.
A little bit of human aspect now, the outward projection of the humans is the behavior part which is basically manoeuvred by one's emotions.Emotions are stimulated by the intellectual process giving perceptions leading to emotions.Now men are great thinkers and are apprentices when it comes to controling emotions.Women are adolescent when it comes to brain tweaking but are great masters of emotions.They can leverage their intellect by streamling their emotions.
Thats why i keep wondering why women are a better gene in the current context!!!
Its a cycle isn't it?, Its time for women to rule us !!!.When i meant men, i didn't always mean men and when i talked about women i didn't always mean women.I am talking about the masculine and feminine part in each of us.It is all about which is predominant in one's expression.May be thats why Shiva(Inertia) is incomplete without Shakthi(energy).There is something called Para-Shakthi who is supreme to everybody and thats why i laugh at men!!!!
Are you masculine or feminine?
Awesome write up da..Keep going..Rakki
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:23 am
dai sara..i think for the first time u have acknowledged some good stuff about "feminine" side!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:35 am
I always knew women are better than men in most aspects.I won't deny it anytime.I keep admiring at them !!!
Posted by
Sara |
5:01 am
Well, Women are defenitely superior in the current context where EQ rules.
But dont you think your post is a wee bit progressive. Look around Sara. One simple question, how many of us reading this post are against Dowry? (practice it?)
Posted by
Santhosh |
9:47 am
yea santhosh there is a great divide between gender when repecting their importance.We don't realise how great women are are?.
Posted by
Sara |
10:11 am
Chandru, We need to blame the educational system for it.It does not fasicinate the intellect but merely creates a knowledge database and that is the precise reason why Boys outperform girls in competitive exams.
The other reason why girls score more is that they have less distractions than boys in the adolescent stage.
About the Chef stuff..There are male chefs not because they are better cooks, its because women are not willing to take it as a profession because of various social-security reasons
Posted by
Sara |
10:38 pm
Deii sara there are more male chefs then female chefs ( world wide phenomenon not a india specific one), so where does socio-... come into picture??? and boss when did u develop this pet theory of girls having lesser distraction than guys in adolescent age??? Okk even if this true how could you support this fact that you had quoted - Boys are better in competitve exams ( IITs) than girls. Deii to crack IIT one shd proactically have Lmt Distraction tends to zero!!!
Posted by
Anonymous |
2:18 am
Socio -Economic sense... Its not easy for women to work in kitchen ambience for its junk nature where they need to interact only with me.The interaction in not in a knowledge plane as in IT industry but with less educated and people who are naive.
About the competitive stuff, we can look into the results of CBSE where its more of the intellect where boys excel or admission in to IIT's and IIM.. there are more men than women.
Most Women dont get opportunities to drink , smoke nor being distracted by porn stuff.
Venna my article was to emphasise that girls are emotionally stable and men tend to be intellectually better!!!
Posted by
Sara |
10:59 am
Deii man! according to your comment, the only inference i can draw is - Women by watching leass porn are more stable emotionally and men by watching more porn are intelectually more superior than women!! wat is this ur new porn theory or what???
Posted by
Anonymous |
12:05 am
ennada inda podu podara...goon one though :)
Posted by
Jeyamurugan DG |
4:49 am