Fear of Death
Dealth is realised when our brain has had its last laugh.May be that is the happiest moment in one's life, we have no more worries about anything.We have no goals to chase and nothing to be disappointed.We have overcome the sensous world and are free of any bondages.Then why do we deny dealth like we are going to be here for aeons together.We think that we are going to change the world around us by our existence, don't tell me!!
May be it's not dealth that we are afraid of, it's the mere process leading to dealth which we can't deal with.It's like success, the moment of triumph isn't as interesting as the tons of hardwork we thrived on.More like love, the moment of sharing is just the culmination, it is the process that leads to it, which makes people mad.
Now think of somebody who is haunted with a thought of dealth day in and out.He would feel that dealth is far more relieving than the cause of living with immense fear.May be, this is wot people in all the terror world are experiencing.The fear of dealth which is far more excruciating than dealth itself.Can you understand the pain?
There are humpty number of civil wars, currently around 26 in only 33% of land left in this world.More that a fifth of our fellow hearts are throbbed with this fear of dealth.We all talk here in south India which is quite free from the terror attacks that we need to fight for our boundaries to preserve our nation's soverign status.Most of the civil wars involve ethnicity or religion.I don't know which God would acknowledge it.They are all politically or economically motivated for one's greediness to abduct resources.We are fighting for acres of land taking away millions of lives.
May be, the best thing we can do to help them out is give them instant nirvana instead of the fear.We all acknowledge that life is the greatest gift given to us.We are all here to life a live and not be thinking of dealth!!
Would you be willing to face the fear of dealth in whatever name you do it?.
"Give them instant nirvana instead of the fear..."
Sara...we are not the people to decide who is to get nirvana and who not...Your intentions are not wrong, but find it difficult to accept the solution.
Most of us live in hope right ?..The same holds true for them..Hope for a better tomorrow and a better world
Posted by
Bhatter |
11:13 pm
I don't want to give them instant nirvana and that is not my intention.I am just pleading for their lives without the fear of dealth.If we can't give them the right to live, its better give them instant nirvana, that would more soothing.
Posted by
Sara |
2:31 am