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Tuesday, August 15, 2006 

Be a Rebel..Rebel..Rebel

If at all we can learn something from history, we can assimilate that a rebel sprouts in the society at every point in the timeline; there is somebody who wants to fight against the existing norms which may be good or bad for most in the society.

Gandhi was a rebel who raised his remonstration with a tool called Ahimsha against the white men. Karl Marx was a rebellion who wanted equality with communism when the whole world was humming capitalism.Manmohan Singh was a rebel who hugged liberalization when protectionist attitude was mood.Martin Luther was a rebel to have given a new face to the protestant movement when Roman Catholics were already one-third of the globe.

The rebel instinct is out there in every group, it's naturally bound to happen in a group. Every group has a primary focus/common norm which all the members are willing to accept. Every person in the group has something common with group but has his own distinctive whims and fancies which may differ with others in the group.

Now when the group becomes larger, there are more views and what is the way out to keep the group intact? A strict norm is followed to keep the primary focus of the group undiluted. There is always a faction who feels intruded by this strict norm and what is the next logical step? To be a rebel and nurture a group which suits them.

The other reason why you can find a rebel could be of the reason that the norm followed by the group does not meet primary focus after they have been part of the system for along time. As usual we have another group which rebel the existing group.

Yet another phenomenon why people rebel the popular movement in a society is based on the premise that when something is followed or comphrended by a majority, it's either outdated or too weak in principles.

Now the million dollar question ,when are you going to rebel the exiting system. It's better to be pioneer. Are you ready to rebel?

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