There are a lot of things which i like in my current life: Melodies of Illayaraja, Language of the Eyes, Arrogance of Howard Roark, Logic of Immanuel Kant, Depression of Linkin park, Sensousness in a Smile, supposing Neutrality of Vivekananda, Conviction in Concepts, Tornado of Tears and it goes on and on, but the onething which never loses my charm is asking questions.
It's yummy to me, being rheoteric, questioning things in life.People say its a cycle and its very true with me.I was such silence personified in my younger years that i am compensating by being a jibber-jabberer now.
I would do any damn thing when took something by the face of it.I was such a dumb fellow ( my close chums would say that i am still one) that i had parted away my brand new cycle to stranger, when he told me that he wanted to collect some insurance documents for my dad which my father had requested.I was caught in a maze of supersitions.I would take bath only after i toggle the tap flow three times, I would only walk in steps of three multiples to reach a destination, i would always worship lord vinayaka and swap vibudhi at three places.I still laugh at those days when i tend to give advise people to avoid dumb assumptions.
I was caught up in the world of constraints, i was not willing to get out of orbit, i started to see the world only in my view and i could feel that it was becoming very rigid everyday.I had to delete something called a "balanced point of view" from my vocabulary.I never knew the other side of the argument.
I had immense pain by being foolish, thats when i started to question everything around me. I started to ask questions which were beyond my age.I started enjoying a lot of thinkers in the lines of Vivekandanda, Krishnamurthy, Richard Bach and Osho taking things which were relevant to me.I suddenly saw a sea change in me, my thoughts became boundarless to some extent, my emotions were unleased.I saw myself as an instrument to the experiences.
I started whying everything and when i felt that the solutions were absent or uncomphrendable in a paricular domain, i would seek new domains.I started spanning Science, Metaphysics, Art, History, Love and psychology.Nothing was futile at the time of my exploration.Everything had a common thread or a cross linkage somewhere.I understood one great thing, we need to understand an counterpointing view even before trying to completely understanding ours.I tend to persist give counter pointing view in an argument even if it was not mine to have a complete view.
Not that i have become enlightened by gulping these books or understanding my life.I still experience joy and pain, but i can atleast take them in the respective amplitudes and frequencies.
The Tao of questioning has some basic principles, you can't ask all the questions to everybody, in some cases nobody except yourself.There are questions for which we will find answers with time, some with maturity and others with complete ignorance.
Most of the questions acquire answers through a process of complete questioning till you reach the absolute assumptions or the apriori.Everything has a basic assumption and it is absolutely necessary to question the apriori itself before taking it.Like the way, the organism is the manifestation of the basic gene, so are you the projection of your fundamental assumptions in life.It's not only you that you are affected but the whole world around you which is influenced by it.
some of my favorite quotes from Illusions
"Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours."
"Learning is finding out what you already know.Doing is demonstrating that you know it.Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. "
"Everything in this book may be wrong."
-Richard back at the end of his book Illusons
Hmmm It was too good a book man...it really changes ur perspective on life...
Three cheers for richard bach...
Posted by
Sudarshan |
3:16 am
hi machi,
i tried downloading the illusions book and instead got to another book God's Debris. try this out
another interesting thing i read is Kamasutra in pdf format. all these days i have been thinkin of KS as some erotic text. but once i read the whole thing changed. it is research done to the limits & its hard to imagine that someone had gone so indepth into a topic
Posted by
Anonymous |
5:39 am
I'll get you the illusions book and send it to youits a great read..totally inspirtional like the Jonathan livingston by the same author..I'll try to see if i get the soft copy..
I got the soft copy of God'd debris ..the preface was intersting..would share the comments once i complete it
I too was impressed by the way vatsayana dealth with sex ..it was about finding the right partners and enjoying the process..
I read another intersting article da..The Khajaro temple.. all erotic sculptures only on the outside..There is nothing inside the temple..Just to emphasis that we need to just get out of sex to see the real world..Another explanation was after see the sculptures there is nothing left to fantasise..
Posted by
Sara |
10:31 am