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Thursday, June 22, 2006 

Quantum Change in my Time

Is time absolute or relative ?.If you fix 24 hours in day as per your clock, one could claim it to be absolute.The fact is that time spent is very very relative.There used to be days in my life when it would zip through day in and day out. I would scrap for time for my activities.Now its totally a different world, its like somebody has squeezed years into a day of mine!!!.I have been doing so many things and still i have a half dozen hours left, all waiting to be killed.

Trying to solve this puzzle which was quite evident, i seeked the help of Einstein and his famous example!!!

Late in the 19th century, 16-year-old Albert Einstein became interested in the nature and properties of light and started to study "time" through calculations, thus deducing that time could not be absolute. This is why his theory came to be known as the Theory of Relativity.

To illustrate this, it can be said that two static clocks show the same time but that two very fast-moving clocks may show different times. This means that time varies according to some factors. Einstein caricatured this matter as follow:

"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity."

What does it mean to me ?

When you do something that interest you or feel attached, you are enjoying them, its when your clock is running slower and the physical clock is faster.If you feel disinterested in the activities, your clock is running faster and the physical clock is slower.These conclusions were also quite evident.

Now leaping into the next logical step.Wot are the predominant factors which determine time in one's life ?. What do i do if there is a mismatch?. How do i cope up with too much of time or too less of time?.How do i overcome all this?. Where do i end up, if iam unable to cope up with relative changes in space, time and people. too much stuff to think.I have to kill time thinking this ( I am happy!!!).As the ticking gets faster, till the next post.. tata tata !!!

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